Alive For A Reason

Give Someone a Reason to Keep Hoping for the Best

Our Mission

We stand as testament to the Gospel’s call for love, social justice, and the protection of the vulnerable. Our work is a dedication to the overlooked orphans and mobility impaired individuals in DRC.

2J3W8G6 The Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congolese flag) on the map of Africa. The Map is in vintage summer style and sunny mood. The map has soft grunge

The Problem

Despite being rich in natural resources, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is grappling with profound poverty and humanitarian issues. Nearly two-thirds of its population lives in extreme poverty. The country also faces a dire situation with around 800,000 orphaned and disadvantaged children, many of whom are pushed into conflict or left to live in institutions or on the streets. Additionally, about 10 million people with disabilities in the DRC, often due to preventable causes, receive little to no government support, further exacerbating the country's humanitarian crisis.

What We Do

Standing as a pillar of compassion in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), You're Not Forgotten, Inc. promotes the Gospel of Jesus Christ and operates with a dual focus: addressing immediate needs and fostering long-term empowerment and sustainable development for its beneficiaries to live purposefully and have a sense of belonging.

EW58DG Feeding for orphans in a center run by the catholic church, Township Chifubu in Ndola, Zambia, Africa